Author Id: 27897 Author Name: RenaGod Post Content: Buenas, primero quiero agradecerles por haber respondido a mi tema, me alegra saber que tratan de ayudarme con mi problema, y pues ya tomé en cuenta lo que me aconsejaron sobre cómo postear mis mensajes y lo edité para que se leyera más entendible. :) Bueno para Sayer! aquí está lo que me salió siguiendo las instrucciones que me indicaste, espero te ayude a ayudarme :awesome: [SPOILER="'-----------------------"]'----------------------- #org 0x167D55 special 0x187 compare LASTRESULT 0x2 if 0x1 goto 0x81A7AE0 special 0x188 lock faceplayer special 0xB5 special2 LASTRESULT 0xB6 compare LASTRESULT 0x1 if 0x1 goto 0x8167D9B compare LASTRESULT 0x2 if 0x1 goto 0x8167E0C compare LASTRESULT 0x3 if 0x1 goto 0x8167E19 msgbox 0x81BF555 '"I'm the DAY-CARE MAN.\pI help take ..." callstd 0x4 release end '----------------------- #org 0x1A7AE0 release end '----------------------- #org 0x167D9B msgbox 0x81BF5E3 '"Ah, it's you!\pWe were raising your..." callstd 0x5 compare LASTRESULT 0x1 if 0x1 goto 0x8167DD1 msgbox 0x81BF7B6 '"I really will keep it.\nYou do want..." callstd 0x5 compare LASTRESULT 0x1 if 0x1 goto 0x8167DD1 msgbox 0x81BF6CF '"Well then, I'll keep it.\nThanks!" callstd 0x4 clearflag 0x266 special 0xB7 release end '----------------------- #org 0x167E0C special 0xB5 msgbox 0x81BF69A '"Ah, it's you! Good to see you.\nYou..." callstd 0x4 release end '----------------------- #org 0x167E19 special 0xB5 msgbox 0x81BF789 '"Ah, it's you! Your and\n[..." callstd 0x4 special 0xB9 special 0x8D waitmsgbox waitkeypress release end '----------------------- #org 0x167DD1 special2 LASTRESULT 0x83 compare LASTRESULT 0x6 if 0x5 goto 0x8167DEB msgbox 0x81BF6F0 '"You have no room for it[.]\nCome ba..." callstd 0x4 release end '----------------------- #org 0x167DEB textcolor 0x3 msgbox2 0x81BF72A '"[player] received the EGG from\nthe..." call 0x81A6675 fanfare 0x101 waitfanfare waitkeypress msgbox 0x81BF755 '"Take good care of it." callstd 0x4 special 0xB8 clearflag 0x266 release end '----------------------- #org 0x1A6675 copyvar 0x8012 0x8013 return '--------- ' Strings '--------- #org 0x1BF555 = I'm the DAY-CARE MAN.\pI help take care of the precious\nPOKéMON of TRAINERS.\pIf you'd like me to raise your\nPOKéMON, have a word with my wife. #org 0x1BF5E3 = Ah, it's you!\pWe were raising your POKéMON, and\nmy goodness, were we surprised!\pYour POKéMON had an EGG!\pWe don't know how it got there,\nbut your POKéMON had it.\pYou do want it, yes? #org 0x1BF7B6 = I really will keep it.\nYou do want this, yes? #org 0x1BF6CF = Well then, I'll keep it.\nThanks! #org 0x1BF69A = Ah, it's you! Good to see you.\nYour 's doing fine. #org 0x1BF789 = Ah, it's you! Your and\n are doing fine. #org 0x1BF6F0 = You have no room for it[.]\nCome back when you've made room. #org 0x1BF72A = [player] received the EGG from\nthe DAY-CARE MAN. #org 0x1BF755 = Take good care of it.[/SPOILER] Y pues, respecto a lo que me indicaste tú, LюяÐ Қaκтџs†, pues no he editado script alguno que yo sepa, no he sobrescrito ningún script creo, y pues respecto a lo de los ítems de las tiendas usé el AdvanceMart para editarlos, edité solo los que me permitían de espacio para modificarlos y no me pidió nada raro, solo guardé los cambios que hice a los ítems y los precios de los ítems. Bueno, espero que la información que les brindé sirva de algo para ayudar con la resolución de este problema, muchas gracias de antemano por la ayuda y los consejos.:)